Tag Archives: Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Updates relating to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Sue Mann

17th April 2020

Dear All,

He is risen. He is risen indeed, Alleluia!

I hope you were able to celebrate and know the joy of our Risen Lord, this Easter, albeit in a very different way from usual. Please know that you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers, and those of Max, at this time.

There are some members of our church family for whom this Easter period has been a very sad time. Following the death of Peter Rood, at the end of March, Peter Moorse and, more recently, Glyn Jones have passed away. Please do keep Anita, Diane and Judy and their families in your prayers at this difficult time.

For those of you able to access technology, we had an Easter Day Communion Service which was recorded and is available on the Church website; you can find it, if you haven’t already seen it, by going to hobnob.org.uk/watch The talk I gave as part of that service is the other email attachment in addition to this one or, for those of you who receive this information by post, it is on another piece of paper in the same envelope.

The livestreamed Morning and Night Prayer, for those of you able to access this, continue on our Facebook page @HOBNOBChurches and take place at 9am and 7.30pm respectively, every day apart from Sunday. Max has kindly agreed to lead this on Wednesdays and Saturday mornings. The link for the latest service booklet, also on Facebook, is https://cdn.hobnob.org.uk/uploads/2020/04/Morning-Prayer-for-the-Easter-Season.pdf or a paper version can be found in your envelope.

On Maundy Thursday, the Holy Communion Service which is normally held in the Cathedral, was held using Zoom, the video-conferencing platform, and Bishop Stephen presided from his home. On Easter Sunday, Bishop Stephen gave a farewell talk to the Diocese as he prepares to take up his post as Archbishop of York. We give thanks for Bishop Stephen’s ministry in our Diocese over the past 10 years and wish him God’s blessing in his new post. Do keep Bishop Stephen and his wife, Rebecca, in your prayers at this time and please also pray for the committee who are seeking God’s guidance to appoint the right person to serve us as our new Bishop in this Diocese. You can find Bishop Stephen’s farewell speech at https://www.chelmsford.anglican.org/news/article/a-farewell-to-bishop-stephen

We are all in uncertain times, but the one thing that remains the same is God. The Church buildings remain closed but the Church still remains very active. One Church member has very kindly paid for a new poster to go on Orsett’s new notice board and it reads ‘Hope is alive.’

Let’s hold on to the hope of Easter, and the God who will never leave nor forsake us.

Take care and God bless,


Sue Mann

6th April 2020

Dear All,

I hope you continue to stay well. You are very much in my thoughts and prayers at this time.

Morning Prayer and Night Prayer/Compline are continuing to be live-streamed on Facebook at fb.me/HOBNOBChurches, from Monday to Saturday, at 9am and 7.30pm respectively. Thank you to those of you who have been joining in, either on Facebook or, if you don’t have Facebook, in the quietness of your own home. It has been great to welcome new members into our worshipping community at this time. If anyone has news they would like shared or particular needs or prayer requests, please do let me know by phoning or emailing me: 01375 891254 or rectorsue@hobnob.org.uk

This Sunday, 5th April, at 10am there will be another service on the website; this week it will be a Family Service, for Palm Sunday, which you will be able to find at hobnob.org.uk/watch. Please join in online if you are able to, ready with scissors and paper to make palm crosses!

With regard to Sunday worship, the Bishops have given permission for clergy to receive the sacraments on behalf of congregations at home communion services, and they have also relaxed the rule which states that there must be a service of Holy Communion every week. The fact that priests, currently, are permitted to receive communion on behalf of their congregations has had a mixed reception from both clergy and laity to the extent that some vicars have decided not to offer this at all and I respect colleagues who have made that decision at this time. It is very much my theological understanding that Holy Communion is a corporate act of worship where the role of the priest is to preside to enable a congregation to receive together, rather than to celebrate on behalf of the congregation. However, I also recognise that the Holy Communion Service is important for many church members so it is my intention to continue offering an online Holy Communion Service, albeit with its limitations, within a 3 weekly service rotation which will include a Family Service and Morning Praise. This will, hopefully, enable us to maintain a pattern of worship similar to that which we normally have and, therefore, allow us to continue to be inclusive.

There have been many prayer resources produced by the Church of England that you can access on their website, which now includes resources for Holy Week. These can be found at https://www.chelmsford.anglican.org/holyweekathome

During the week, Max also hopes to share some reflections on the Stations of the Cross.

In addition to the resources already available, you can find an order of service for spiritual communion and information on possible ways of giving to the Church at this time here on the website.

Thank you for your continued support of the foodbank. If you are able to go out for exercise, to drop off food, the foodbank still needs semi-skimmed long-life milk; long-life fruit juice; tinned tomatoes; tinned fish and mashed potatoes. There are collection boxes at 24, Church Lane, Bulphan; 1, Lion Cottages, Horndon and The Rectory, School Lane Orsett. Thank you for your support of this.

Let’s keep praying for an end to this horrendous coronavirus pandemic and for a healing of the damage it has, and continues to, cause, but let’s also look for and join in with the work that God is doing in the midst of this.

God bless, Sue

Footprints In The Sand

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed
he was walking along the beach with the LORD. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging
to him, and the other to the LORD.
When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints.
He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life.
This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it:
“LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you, you’d walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life,
there is only one set of footprints.
I don’t understand why when
I needed you most you would leave me.”
The LORD replied:
“My son, my precious child,
I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you.”

Carolyn Joyce Carty

Coronavirus update!

All churches are now CLOSED following instruction from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York.

This is to let you know that the following are now suspended until further notice:

  • All Sunday Services at Orsett, Bulphan and Horndon on the Hill
  • Weddings and Baptisms
  • Edward Bear Toddler Group
  • Messy Church
  • Oasis Café
  • Orsett Monthly Lunches
  • Horndon Coffee Mornings
  • Bible Study Groups
  • Baptism Preparation
  • and activities in Bulphan Parish Room.

Please stay updated by checking hobnob.org.uk/coronavirus for all further HOBNOB updates relating to coronavirus.

Find out how to protect yourself and others from coronavirus. Learn more nhs.uk/coronavirus