Sue Mann

19th December 2023

Happy New Year to you all!

I hope you had a lovely Christmas Day. And thank you to churchwardens, musicians and everyone else who worked so hard to enable Christmas services to happen in the churches, and beyond, in the community. Your help and support was greatly appreciated.  We are, of course, still in the Christmas Season and will be holding a carol Service at Horndon Church on Sunday 7th January at 4pm, at Epiphany, when we remember the wise men finding and presenting gifts to the baby Jesus. Please do come along if you are able.

Later on, in January we will be running another Alpha Course in conjunction with the Wellcome Church.

The course will be held on Sunday afternoons at 4pm, at Orsett Churches Centre, each session lasting approximately an hour and a half. Everyone is welcome to come along. It would be helpful to know in advance if you would like to come so that we know how many booklets to order.

‘Alpha is a series of weekly sessions where you can explore the Christian faith in an open-minded and welcoming environment. There’s no cost and no pressure. Just lots of great conversation and space to think.

Each session includes some light refreshments, a short video and a time of discussion where you can share your thoughts about what you’ve heard. Whatever questions you have got, you can ask them at Alpha.’

Anyway, as we move into 2024, you may like to use this prayer:

Heavenly Father, as we face the challenges of the coming year,

grant us strength and courage.

Help us to rely on your mighty power and to find our refuge in you.

May we be steadfast in our faith, knowing that you are our rock and our fortress.


Take care and God bless,
