Sue Mann

17th June 2023

A lot has happened recently…..

Thank you, so much, to Revd Max, Revd Moji, the Churchwardens, Lynda the Parish Administrator, and EVERYONE ELSE who kept things running smoothly whilst I was away on my Pilgrimage.

Thank you, also, to the many people who generously donated towards the two causes, ‘Cure Parkinsons’ and the MND Association, for which I was raising money as I walked the Camino Frances. The total of your generous donations, including Gift Aid, have exceeded £4,000. The Giving Page will remain open until the 21st July, should you still wish to make a donation. It can be found at

Several people have been asking me about the walk and it is my intention to hold an evening some time in July to share something of my experiences. Details will be on the Church Notice Sheet, and I will also advertise it on Facebook.

On the first Sunday after I returned, we held a special service to mark Revd Max’s Official Retirement. It was a joyful service with wonderful refreshments, kindly organised by church members, and Revd Max was presented with a beautiful sculpture of the spire at Horndon Church in a wooden case, lovingly created by local artists. It is not often that Max is lost for words, but that particular Sunday was one of those occasions! The following day he wrote some lovely words on our church Facebook Page to express his appreciation to you all.  Revd Max has served, faithfully, as a priest in Horndon, Orsett and Bulphan for 20 years for which we thank God.  He is currently taking a break of 6 weeks and will then continue to take services and minister amongst us; this time as a ‘Priest with Permission to Officiate.’ Please do keep Reverend Max in your prayers as he takes his well-earned break.

And then, as Max returns in a few weeks’ time, we will be saying goodbye to our curate Revd Moji, who will be leaving us to move to Darlington to be closer to her family. We give thanks for Moji’s warm humour and loving ministry amongst us, and we wish her God’s blessing as she moves to pastures new. Moji’s last service with us will be on Sunday 23rd July at Bulphan Church at 10am, followed by refreshments in the Parish Room. Do come along to this service if you are able and please pray for Moji and her husband Yemi as they prepare to move.

And, finally, as we approach the school holidays, I wish everyone who works in our schools and all the children, a refreshing summer break and encourage you all to pray especially for those children who will be moving on to senior school in September.

May we all treasure the past with thanksgiving,

May we embrace the future with hope,

May we journey ahead with confidence,

In God’s love.


With love and prayers,
