Sue Mann

21st June 2024

People often ask for the hymn ‘All things bright and beautiful,’ at both wedding and funeral services. It is a popular hymn, probably because we all appreciate the beauty of the created world generously given to us by God.  And, of course, we are now in that time of year when everything is growing, and it is lovely to see flowers in our gardens.

We are also blessed with three lovely churchyards which are usually a haven of peace and tranquillity, enabling people to go and spend time with God and to remember loved ones who may have been buried there or have had their ashes interred there.

We have a very small band of volunteers who work tirelessly throughout the year to maintain the churchyards and keep them looking so good, and for all their hard work we are extremely grateful.

Of course, things occasionally go wrong. And, unfortunately, this is what has happened recently at two of our churchyards. At Horndon, the Tuesday Gardening Gang of 3 volunteers have been faced with repeated rain which has meant they have been unable to mow in the New Cemetery in Mill Lane. And, at Orsett, a broken lawnmower coupled with volunteer illness, has meant that the grass has also become very long.

The fact that this grass has grown so quickly over a short period of time has highlighted to me just how hard these volunteers work throughout the year to keep these churchyards looking so good. We are often quick to complain when things go wrong, but not so quick to express our gratitude for ongoing hard work.

Please be assured that we are all doing our best to rectify this, and thank you, so much, to the people who, recognising that there is a problem, have stepped up to help.

I would like to take this opportunity to give a big thank you to the gardening volunteers at all three churchyards who do a great job. And please can I ask for your patience, as these people work hard to rectify this problem at Horndon and Orsett. If you have a lawnmower or strimmer and would be willing to give an hour or two to help us to get this under control again, or to volunteer at any of the churches on a more regular basis, the churchwardens or I would love to hear from you. Finally, please can I also ask that you help us by  not depositing your household waste and dog poo in the church bins.

Take care and God bless,
