Bulphan church gets a new noticeboard

Our new noticeboard is the gift of Bulphan-in-Bloom (B-i-B) in memory of the late Alan Cox, who tirelessly supported both B-i-B and St Mary’s, always mowing grass. Alan lived on the opposite corner from the church and said that he was privileged to have the best view in Bulphan and the least he could do is help to keep it looking its best.

The black noticeboard that this replaced was decades old and had been manufactured by Ron Porter’s father. But time had taken its toll and much of it was held together with injected resin. Its time had come.

The new noticeboard was fixed into place by a team from Bulphan: Rod, Graham, Frank, Reverend Sue (placing the concrete), and Ron ( mostly behind the lens).

Easter Sunday : Bulphan

The Easter Sunday service at Bulphan, as well as being a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, marked the point at which 8 young people from the Benefice took part in their first Holy Communion. The children met at with Rev Sue Mann at the Rectory, to prepare for this.. Through some fun activities and discussion, they learned about the different parts of the service of Holy Communion and why we receive the bread and wine at church. and we look forward to seeing them at future services. The children received a certificate, a candle and other things including an invitation to join the Youth HUB.

After the service there was a traditional Easter Egg Hunt and the usual marvellous spread laid on by Traudi in the Parish Room, including Hot Cross Buns and a Simnel Cake.

Good Friday : Bulphan

On Good Friday, a Walk of Witness and Stations of the Cross workshop took place in Bulphan. Members from all 3 Anglican churches in the Benefice and from the Zion Chapel in Bulphan took part.

Bulphan residents saw the large wooden cross being carried throughthe village and short ceremonies taking place at Bulphan School, the Zion Chapel, the Community Cafe and the far end of the Recreation Ground. Cafe customers took part and sung When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.

The walking group returned to the Parish Room,to join those who had taken part in some artistic interpretations of the Stations of the Cross, and all enjoyed some Hot Cross Buns.

Sue Mann

2nd April 2019

In March, we gathered at Bulphan Zion Chapel with friends from the churches in Orsett, Bulphan and Horndon for a beautiful ‘World Day of Prayer’ service, created by women from Slovenia, on the theme of ‘Come-Everything is ready,’ at the heart of which was an open invitation for all to come to God’s table. We heard stories of some of those coming to the table: wives, mothers and grandmothers, Roma people, refugees and migrant workers. Their stories painted a picture of the political and economic situation of Slovenia from the time it was a socialist-communist state to the present day. Whilst listening to these stories we reflected upon the fact that through prayer and commitment, change can be brought about. We asked God for forgiveness for our own silence in the face of injustice and asked him to help us to be a people of compassion and understanding with a commitment to working for freedom, justice and peace. Grateful thanks are due to Jane Barry who coordinated and organised this in such a thoughtful and creative way, and to our friends at the Zion Chapel for their kind hospitality.

The 2019 Mothering Sunday theme is ‘Nurturing hope in a broken world.’  This theme is particularly poignant at a time when the world is mourning the terrible loss of life in Christchurch New Zealand following the terrorist attacks on two mosques; when three young people have been crushed to death in Northern Ireland; when the world is still shocked by the shooting in Holland and when the lives of hundreds have been claimed by Cyclone Idai as it hit South Africa.

In the midst of all of this, with regard to the ongoing Brexit debate, our Diocesan Bishop, Bishop Stephen, called communities to come together to serve the common good, in our nation and in our relationship with the rest of Europe. And together with the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, he invited us to join a national prayer initiative of five days. With this in mind, Horndon Church hosted a Benefice morning of prayer, during which people were invited to light candles, using the following prayer as a focus:

God of hope,
in these times of change,
unite our nation
and guide our leaders with your wisdom. Give us courage to overcome our fears, and help us to build a future
in which all may prosper and share; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

There is a lot going on in our world at the moment. Problems can feel overwhelming and, for those who are directly affected by disasters, the pain must be unbearable at times. But, as we approach Easter, whatever we face in our personal lives or in our world, we need to hold on to the fact that God is a God of hope. Because, at Easter we reflect upon not only the painful death, but the glorious resurrection of Jesus, which is what we remember every time we celebrate Holy Communion.

So, just as we did in the World Day of Prayer service, this Easter let’s continue to ask God to transform us into a people of compassion and understanding with a commitment to working for freedom, justice and peace in our world.

Do join us at any of our Holy Week and Easter services as we journey with Christ from pain and suffering into hope. We would love to see you.

With love and prayers,



Messy Church : Horndon School – 11th March

The theme for this session was based on the story of the woman who was going to be stoned for committing adultery and Jesus being tested while he wrote in the sand followed by his question to the gathering crowd of “Let the one who is without sin cast the first stone”.   This effectively gave the woman a second chance, as those preparing to do the stoning left.

The children did several activities ; they gave things a second chance recycling tins and cups and making them into desk-tidies ; they decorated biscuits with emoji faces to show the emotions of those at the stoning; wrote messages in the sand about Jesus’ thoughts and made woollen bracelets for a friend to express love for each other and the love of God. They also did the Big God Question – which has been used at all Messy Church sessions.