Churchwarden becomes a Grandmother

In all of the current goings on good news is like hen’s teeth.

But Orsett Churchwarden Janet Wilkins has been able to celebrate becoming a grandparent when her son Andrew and his wife Lisa had a daughter Willow Louise.

Andrew has given permission for us to share this picture of Willow with her proud mummy and daddy.

Sue Mann

23rd July 2020

Dear All,
I hope this finds you well. I am hoping that we can  revert to a  slightly amended form of notice sheet after this which will be emailed out and also put on our website and hard copies will be made available for those without a computer.
It was good to see some of you at our Holy Communion Service on Sunday and to share the worship virtually with others of you.
This Sunday the service will be at Horndon at 10am. Please try to let me know if you would like to come to this service so that we can plan accordingly. At the moment we are fine for numbers and, hopefully, this will remain the case  but should there be too many people to accommodate priority will be given to those who were unable to come  last week. 
Thank you for your continued support  for the Foodbank. Needs this week are crisps of all flavours, savoury snacks such as cream crackers and cheese twists, condiments such as tomato sauce, brown sauce and mayonnasie, mashed potato, sponge puddings and nappies, sizes 2,4,5 and 6.
Following the sad news that Hazel Swift died last weekend, we now know that her funeral will be on Thursday 30th July at 3pm at Horndon Church. Because of limited numbers able to attend, for the service and committal it  will be invitation only but  I know that Vanessa and Caroline woud be pleased for people to stand in the road to show their respects before the service and Brands are planning to drive round the main roads in the village prior to the service. Please do hold Vanessa and Caroline in your prayers at this difficult time.
The interment of ashes of Doreen Bartley will take place at Orsett Churchyard on Monday 27th July at 2pm. 
Other prayer needs within the Benefice include Nicola, Steve, Dave, Steve and Steve.
The link to the Diocesan Cycle of prayer for the rest of this month is
As ever, please do be assured of my prayers for you and please do hold the Wardens, Max and me in your prayers as we negotiate the return to church.
Take care and God bless,

Sue Mann

17th July 2020

17th July 2020

Dear All,

I am looking forward to seeing some of you on Sunday at Orsett at 10am. Thank you to those who have let me know you are coming. If you are not able to join us in person, and have access to technology, we will be live -streaming the service so please do share in worship with us that way at This Sunday is Rural Mission Sunday and I am hoping that this will be a joyous service.  Please, though, be aware that there will be some restrictions in place, as below. You can also find this information on our website.

Before you come to church:

  • Please try to inform us that you are coming. You can do so via the online form on our website, which you can find at or by phoning or emailing Revd Sue.
  • We advise that you wear a mask.
  • Do not come to church if you or anyone in your household has confirmed or suspected COVID-19, or is otherwise self-isolating.
  • Please note that, in accordance with the guidelines, “While those at extra risk and the ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ should be advised of the risks of attending public worship, a decision to do so is theirs alone.”

When you arrive at church:

  • You may need to wait in a queue before you can enter. Please observe the 2m distancing.
  • Hand sanitiser will be available at the door and you will be asked to sanitise your hands on arrival.
  • We will register all who attend, and may ask you for additional contact details. (This is so that we can provide details of our visitors to NHS Test and Trace, if requested. We will hold this information for 21days.)
  • You will be shown to your seat by a sidesperson.
  • Movement around the church will be via a one-way system.

During the service:

  • There will be no singing. (This is because of the potential for increased risk of transmission from aerosol droplets.)
  • At Holy Communion Services, only the bread will be distributed and receiving it will be optional.

After the service:

  • There will be no refreshments.
  • You should leave church promptly when the service is over.
  • Take care to remain socially distanced as you leave. This may be overseen by a sidesperson.
  • Again, hand sanitiser will be available at the door.

When you get home:

I apologise for this long list but it is necessary for me to impart this information as part of our risk assessment and, hopefully, it will help us all to feel comfortable.

The Lectionary Readings for this week are:

DayMorning PrayerEvening Prayer
Monday 20thPsalm 126; 1 Samuel 5 Luke 20 41- 21- 4Psalm 127; Ezekiel 10 1-19 2 Corinthians 6 1 – 7 -1
Tuesday 21stPsalm 132; 1 Samuel 6 1-16 Luke 21 5-19Psalm 135; Ezekiel 11 14- end 2 Corinthians  7 2-end
Wednesday 22nd Mary MagdalenePsalm 30 32 150 1 Samuel 16 14-end; Luke 8 1-3Psalm 63; Zepheniah 3 14-end Mark 15 40 – 16  – 7
Thursday 23rdPsalm 143; 1 Samuel 8 Luke 21 29-endPsalm 138; Ezekiel 12 17-end 2 Corinthians 8 16 – 9 – 5
Friday 24thPsalm 143; 1 Samuel 9 1-14 Luke 22 1-13Psalm 145; Ezekiel 13 1-16 2 Corinthians 9 6-end
Saturday 25th St James ApostlePsalm 23; 1 Samuel 13 19 – 14 – 15 Luke 23 1-12Psalm 94; Ezekiel 26 1-15 Mark 1 14 -20

Also a reminder that Daily Hope, a free phone line of hymns, reflections and prayers, can be accessed on 0800 8048044.

Foodbank needs this week are sponge puddings, custard, jelly and savoury snacks.  In non-food items  they need deodorant, shampoo, washing powder and washing up liquid.

Don’t forget that  you can still make a donation to the Mission to Seafarers in memory of Glyn Jones, either by going to

or by sending a cheque made payable to The Mission to Seafarers to The Rectory and I will make sure it gets sent to the right place.

Local prayer needs this week include Nicola, Hazel, Dave, Steve, Steve, Allan, Steve, Jane, Dawn and Roy. Prayers for the Sixth Sunday of Trinity on our Diocesan Prayer Diary are for the men and women of the RNLI and HM Coastguard, who risk their lives to protect those who travel the seas around our coast. We are also asked to pray for the Episcopal Church in the Philippines and The Most Reverend Joel Atiwag Pachao, Prime Bishop.

As ever, please let me know about any prayer or pastoral needs and be assured of my prayers for all of you.

Take care and God bless,


What to Expect at Sunday Services

As we begin to reopen our churches, there will be a number of measures and precautions at the church:

Before you come to church:

  • Please try to inform us that you are coming. You can do so via the online form.
  • We advise that you wear a mask.
  • Do not come to church if you or anyone in your household has confirmed or suspected COVID-19, or is otherwise self-isolating.
  • Attending church is the visitor’s decision alone. Those at extra risk and those who are ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ should be advised of the risks of attending public worship.

When you arrive at church:

  • You may need to wait in a queue before you can enter. Please observe 2m social distancing.
  • Hand sanitiser will be available at the door.
  • We will register all who attend, and may ask you for additional contact details. (This is so that we can provide details of our visitors to NHS Test and Trace, if requested.)
  • You will be shown to your seat by a sidesperson.
  • Movement around the church will be via a one-way system.

During the service:

  • There will be no singing. (This is because of the potential for increased risk of transmission from aerosol and droplets.)
  • Communion will be completely optional, and only the bread will be distributed.

After the service:

  • There will be no refreshments.
  • You should leave church promptly when the service is over.
  • Take care to remain socially distanced as you leave. This may be overseen by a sidesperson.
  • Again, hand sanitiser will be available at the door.

When you get home: