As part of the growing repertoire of 5th Sunday afternoon services, we held the first Café Church at Orsett at 4pm on Sunday 29th January.

Café Church is an informal service with activities, where cakes and drinks are available and consumed during the service.
The service was based around Candlemas which marks Jesus being presented at the Temple, as a baby. Candlemas is actually on February 2nd and is 40 days after Christmas Day. In the past it was the day that candles were blessed for use through the year.

The service was split into 2 parts with activities between them, which gave more opportunity for cake to be eaten. Moji delivered a talk and told us about power cuts in Nigeria, which can last weeks and people have to be resourceful, as they have no idea how long it will last. Which as annoying as the power cuts we experience are, when they last a few hours they are a minor inconvenience by comparison.

If you would like to join us for a different and less formal worship experience keep your eyes peeled for details the next 5th Sunday afternoon service which will be on April 30th. Venue and type to be notified in due course