For everyone !!
Held every 3rd Tuesday of each month, 8-9pm at The Woolmarket, High Road, Horndon on the Hill.
- 18th March 2025 – The theme is World day of Prayer This meeting is being held at Jean Kemp’s house, Horndon on the hill
- 15th April 2025
- 20th May 2025
- 17th June 2025
What to expect each month;
- A relaxed warm venue that will sometimes be set up for creative and interactive prayer. An opportunity for everyone who comes to feel they can engage in prayer .
- Our primary emphasis will be prayer for our Parish, our local churches, and communities, their leaders and the people who make them up.
- We will also pray for national and world events and the church in our nation and globally.
- We will use a variety of the types & styles of prayer each month e.g. intercession, contemplative, silence, petition, listening to God, adoration.
- We will encourage people to lead different parts of the evening so there is opportunity to take part if you would like.
- We will make space to pray for urgent situations.
If you’ve any questions please contact Rev Sue by email or ring Lisa & Phil Anderson 07946 530379.