On 16th March, we held our Annual Church Meeting, (APCM,) in Orsett Church after the 10am service, when we received reports of all that has been happening at Church and in the Parish over the past year and I would just like to share one or two highlights.
It was a busy year in the Parish and thank you, so much, to everyone who works hard to enable things to run smoothly. Thank you to Revd Max, our Wardens, Assistant Warden, PCC and Action Groups, our Musicians, our Finance Team, our Parish Administrator and everyone who works hard behind the scenes. Thank you, too, to all, those who work so hard to keep our churchyards under control and help in maintaining our buildings. It is impossible to thank everyone individually but please know that your hard work and commitment to our vision of ‘Knowing and Sharing the Love of Jesus in the Church and Community’ are greatly appreciated and you are all very much in my prayers as together you serve God.
Felicity Tarbard has decided to step down from being on the PCC, and Ron Porter has also decided to step down. Between them their years of service amount to over 60 and they have included time spent being Warden and Assistant Warden as well. We are hugely indebted for all that they have both done and hope that they are able to have a little more time to spend with friends and family.
At Church, we always endeavour to be a welcoming place for everyone for everyone and the PCC has been working hard to consider how we might develop our ministry of hospitality further to ensure that people of all backgrounds and abilities are catered for.
This year, David Ferguson, who has been our Church Architect for many years retired and we are very appreciative of his many years of service. John Bailey, from Thomas Ford and Partners, who has been working with the PCC recently on a number of projects has now been appointed by the PCC as our new Church Architect and we are grateful to John for agreeing to undertake this role. Thank you, also, to Diane Moorse who has stepped down from her role distributing the Hobnob. We are very grateful for her many years of service and to Sharon Long who has kindly taken this role on.
As I write this, we are moving closer to Easter. Some of you will have been following the Living Hope readings and reflections produced by the Church of England and Easter itself is a story of Hope – Hope in the risen Lord Jesus who is available for each one of us if we invite him into our hearts.
The following prayer is the prayer written for Holy Week as part of the Living Hope resource.
Dear God,
thank you for the outpouring of love
we see in Jesus’ cross and resurrection.
In this most transformative of all weeks,
help us to discover afresh the life-changing hope
of Good Friday and Easter.
There is plenty going on at church at Easter and you are welcome at any or all of the services.
I look forward to seeing you soon and wish you a blessed and joyful Easter.
Take care and God bless,